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CORONA WT & DT & Delavnica / Workshop

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Corona 2021

Fb dogodek

Datum / Date: 11.-12.05.2024

Kraj / Place: Konjeniški klub KROFLA, Podpeca 43, 2393 Črna na Koroškem ; zemljevid / map

Okvirni urnik / Approximate schedule:

  • 11.05.2024, sobota / Saturday, WT

    • 07.30 - 09.00: Registracija / Registration

    • 09.00 - 12.00: WT Predtekmovalci / Puppy, Začetniki / Beginners, Druge pasme / Other breeds

    • 12.00 - 13.00: Premor za kosilo in registracija / Break for lunch and registration

    • 13.00 - 16.00: WT Novinci, Odprti, Veterani / Novice, Open, Veterans

    • 16.00 - 17.00: Rezultati / Results

  • 12.05.2024, nedelja / Sunday, DT & 4Fun DT

    • 7.30 – 9.00: Registracija / Registration 

    • 9.00 – 12.00: DT Novincei & Odprti / DT Novice & Open

    • 12.00 – 14.00: kosilo& rezultati / lunch & results

    • 14.00 – 15.30: 4Fun DT

    • 16.00 – 19.00: Delavnica / Workshop

  • 10.05. ali/or 13.05.2024, petek ali ponedeljek / Friday or Monday, Delavnica / Workshop
    • 7.30 – 8.30: Registracija / Registration

    • 8.30 – 12.00: P, B, D

    • 12.00 – 13.00: Kosilo / Lunch

    • 13.00 - 16.00: Delavnica / Workshop

Cenik / Costs

  • WT:

    • WT: prijava in plačilo do / registration and payment till 15.04.2024:
      45 € / psa za nečlane / nonmembers, 35 € / psa za člane LKDVPP in LKD (drugi) / members

    • WT: plačilo do /  payment till 30.04.2024:
      50 € / psa za nečlane / nonmembers, 40 € / psa za člane LKDVPP in LKD (drugi) / members

    • WT: plačilo na dan dogodka /  payment on 11.05.2024:
      55 € / psa za nečlane / nonmembers, 45€ / psa za člane LKDVPP in LKD (drugi) / members

    • WT: prijava na dan dogodka ni možna / registration on the day of event not possible
  • DT & 4Fun DT:

    • Prijava in plačilo do / registration and payment till 01.05.2022:
      40 € / psa za nečlane / nonmembers, 30 € / psa za člane LKDVPP in LKD (drugi) / members

    • plačilo na dan dogodka /  payment on 05.06.2022:
      45 € / psa za nečlane / nonmembers, 45€ / psa za člane LKDP in LKD (drugi) / members

    • WT: prijava na dan dogodka ni možna / registration on the day of event not possiblei) / members

  • Vsak naslednji pes istega lastnika na WT & DT ima 10 € popusta /
    every additional dog of the same owner registering to WT & DT gets a 10 €  discount

  • Delavnica / Workshop: 55 € / psa / 55 € / dog

  • članarina v LKDVPP / membership in LKDVPP: 20 € za leto 2024 / 20 €  for 2024

Prijavnice Corona 2021

Podatki za plačilo preko TRR:

Lovsko kinološko društvo za vodne pse in prinašalce

Opekarska cesta 38a, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 0949 922


Delavska hranilnica d.d.

corona-WT-DT-2022-priimek-klicno ime psa

Information for payment of registration fee:

Hunting cynological club for retrievers

Dolenje selce 17, 8211 Dobrnič
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 0949 922


Delavska hranilnica d.d.

What to write in the payment order:
corona-WT-DT-2022-surname-dog's call name

Sodniki Corona 2021

Sodnik in sodnika - pripravnika za WT in DT / Judges for WT & DT


Michael Brüchl

Drage tekmovalne ekipe,
Hvala za prijazno povabilo za sojenje. Zelo se veselim svojega prvega ocenjevanja v Sloveniji in si to štejem za veliko čast.
Sam treniram pse že več kot 20 let in moja strast do tega ne postaja nič manjša. Leta 2009 sem bil imenovan za sodnika za lovske izpite, leta 2011 tudi za delovne teste s prinosili (WT). Od takrat redno in z velikim veseljem sodim na številnih lovskih preizkušnjah in WT. Svoje pse uporabljam tako v športnih preizkušnjah kot pri lovu. Pri vsakem od mojih psov je zame nekaj posebnega, da skupaj prepoznava in premagava svoje slabosti ter izkoristiva skupne prednosti.
Tudi po vseh teh letih sem kot začetnik napet na prihajajočih izpitih in hkrati poln pričakovanja, saj je izpit odlična priložnost za povratno informacijo o trenutnem statusu usposabljanja.

Vsem želim lep tekmovalni dan, poln zabave in sreče.

S spoštovanjem, Michael Brühl

Dear starter teams,


Thank you for the kind invitation to judge this event, I am very much looking forward to my first judging in Slovenia and regard it as a great honour.

I have been training dogs myself for more than 20 years now and my passion for it is not getting any less. In 2009 I was appointed judge for hunting tests, in 2011 I was also appointed for working tests. Since then I have been judging regularly and with great pleasure on many hunting tests and WTs. My dogs are used in dummy sports as well as hunting. With each of my dogs, it is something special for me to recognize and overcome our weaknesses together and to use our common strengths. Even after all these years, I am tense as a starter at upcoming exams and at the same time full of anticipation because an exam is a great opportunity to get feedback on the current training status.


I wish you all a nice exam day with lots of fun and luck.


Sincere, Michael Brühl

Salvatore Z.jpg

Salvatore Zappavigna; www

Sem Salvatore Zappavigna. Moja kariera se je začela leta 1993 po kvalifikaciji za ENCI trenerja. Po nekaj letih sem se odločil, da se bom popolnoma posvetil šolanju delovnih psov, predvsem prinašalcev in španjelov, in kmalu je to tudi postal moj poklic.
Udeležujem se številnih tekmovanj na visoki in najvišji ravni, tako na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih, kot na delovnih preizkušnjah, kjer dosegam odlične rezultate in pridobivam konsenz kot strokovnjak na tem področju.
Leta 2008 sem postal uradni član italijanske ekipe za mednarodna tekmovanja (IWT, Skinner's Cup, European Cup, ICC). S svojo ekipo sem  leta 2015 osvojil prvo mesto na mednarodnih delovnih preizkusih na Češkem, izmed 40 evropskih ekip. V preteklih letih sem bil tudi na stopničkah IWT 2012, tj. v paru s tujo ekipo sem osvojil drugo mesto, leta 2019 pa sem ponovno stal s svojo ekipo na stopničkah IWT s tretjim mestom in postal EDINI ITALIJAN v zgodovina IWT, ki je zmagal na IWT in bil 3-krat na stopničkah.
Poleg udeleževanja na tekmovanjih s svojimi psi sem kmalu postal sodnik na delovnih preizkusih, tako na italijanskih kot mednarodnih.
Med tednom vsak dan delam s psi v severni Italiji in nudim treninge in vikend - treninge za posameznike in skupine, pri čemer uporabljam prinosila in divjad.
Treninge izvajam tudi zunaj svojega območja, tako v Italiji kot v tujini.
Leta 2021 sem končal izobraževanje na ENCI in pridobil naziv/kvalifikacijo strokovnega sodnika za lovske preizkušnje za prinašalce.
Decembra 2021 me je imenoval uradni selektor ENCI v italijansko ekipo na European Cup Retrievers 2022.

I am Salvatore Zappavigna. My career began in 1993 following the qualification for an ENCI trainer. After a few years, I decided to devote myself almost exclusively to the training of working dogs, in particular to retrievers and spaniels, and soon it became my profession.

I participate in many high-level competitions, up to the most competitive levels by participating in national and international competitions, both working and field trials, obtaining great results and gaining appreciation as a professional in the field.

In 2008 I became an official member of the Italian team for international competitions (IWT, Skinner's Cup, European Cup, ICC), getting with my team in 2015 the first place at the International Working Tests in the Czech Republic, out of 40 European teams, in previous years I was also on the podium of the IWT 2012 gaining second place in a pair with another foreign team, and in 2019 once again with my team on the podium of the IWT with the third place, becoming the ONLY ITALIAN in the history of the IWT to have won IWT and being on the podium 3 times.

In addition to participating in competitions with my dogs, I soon become a judge during working tests, both in Italian and international competitions.

During the week I work with dogs every day in northern Italy, offering training days and weekends for individuals and groups, using both dummies and game.

I hold training days outside my area, both in Italy and abroad. ( if interested you can contact me )

in 2021 I finished my studies at the ENCI obtaining the appointment/qualification of Expert Judge for hunting trials for Retriever.

In December 2021 I was appointed by the ENCI Official Selector for the Italian team European Cup Retrievers 2022.

Sodniški pripravniki po pravilniku LKDP - izvleček iz Pravilnika

WT lahko sodijo le naslednji sodniki:

  1. Tuji sodniki z licenco matične države (FCI / KC sodniki)

  2. Za slovenske sodnike veljajo sledeči pogoji za imenovanje za sodnika za WT:

  • Če je opravil pogoje za pridobitev sodniške licence v skladu s priporočili Komisije za prinašalce FCI v katerikoli državi z dolgoletno tradicijo organiziranja WT

  • Če je sodnik za katerokoli delo ali za ocenjevanje zunanjosti, v skladu s pogoji KZS, in je hkrati:

    • najmanj trikrat uspešno vodil psa prinašalca na WT v najvišjem težavnostnem razredu, in

    • najmanj dvakrat stažiral pri različnih sodnikih FCI / KC na WT vseh težavnostnih stopenj s pozitivno oceno odgovornega sodnika, in

    • najmanj petkrat sodeloval z različnimi sodniki kot pomočnik / stevard ali zapisničar

  • Če je sodeloval pri organizaciji najmanj treh prireditev po programu WT

  • Če so izpolnjene zgoraj navedene zahteve, lahko LKDP to osebo vpiše v seznam sodnikov kot "WT sodnik - pripravnik". Skupaj z izkušenim sodnikom FCI / KC lahko sodi na lokalnih tekmovanjih po tem pravilniku za WT.

  • WT sodnik – pripravnik lahko po tem, ko je trikrat usešno sodil na tekmah po pravilniku za WT, in po zaključenem specifičnem izobraževanju v skladu s pravili KZS, opravi teoretični in praktični del izpita pri vabljenem domačem ali tujem WT sodniku FCI / KC najvišjega ranga, nakar se ga vpiše v seznam sodnikov kot “WT sodnik”.

Prof. dr. Hojka Kraigher ustreza vsem pogojem za sodnika - pripravnika po Pravilniku LKDP:

  • je sodnica za zunanjost KZS - FCI

  • več kot 3x je uspešno vodila psa v razredu odprti na WT

  • več kot 5x sodelovala kot zapisničar ali stevard pri različnih sodnikih

  • več kot 3x sodelovala pri organizaciji WT

  • 2x je stažirala pri FCI sodnikih za WT in pridobila pozitivno oceno Stefa Bollena in Dr. Csabe Szantaya (2018)

Bojan Čepirlo delno izpolnjuje pogoje za začetek stažiranja za sodnika - pripravnika po Pravilniku LKDP:

  • več kot 3x je uspešno vodil psa v razredu odprti na WT in DT

  • več kot 5x je sodeloval kot zapisničar ali stevard pri različnih sodnikih

  • več kot 3x je sodeloval pri organizaciji WT

  • kot pomočnik pri sojenju pri Dr. Csabi Szamtayu je začel s stažiranjem za sodnika - pripravnika za WT po Pravilniku LKDP

Rules on WT by the Hunting Cynological Club for Retrievers - Excerpt on an apprentice - judges

The WT can be judged only by the following judges:

  1. Foreign judges with the licence of their home country (FCI / KC judges)

  2. For the Slovenian judges the following requirements need to be met for nomination for a WT Judge:

  • If he/she has done the requirements for becoming a judge according to the Recommendations by the Retrievers' Committee of FCI in any country with a long-term tradition in the organization of WTs

  • If she/he is already a judge for any kind of work or a conformation / show judge according to the rules of the Slovenian Cynological Association, and she/he has already fulfilled the following criteria:

    • has qualified at least three times in the WT for retrievers in the class Open, and

    • was already staging at least twice with different FCI / KC judges in all difficulty classes and obtained a positive evaluation of the leading judge, and

    • participated at least five times with different judges as a helper / steward or in writing down the results, and

    • if he/she has co-organized at least three events by the programme for WT.

  • If all the above-mentioned requirements are met, the Club can enlist him/her into the list of judges as a "WT judge - apprentice". Together with an experienced FCI / KC judge he/she can judge at local events after these Rules for WT.

  • The WT judge – apprentice can, after he has judged three times at WTs by these regulations, and after finishing the specific education conforming to the rules of the Slovenian Cynological Association, register for the theoretical and practical part of an exam with an invited national or international FCI / KC judge of the highest rank, and consequently he/she can be included into the list of judges as a "WT Judge".

  • she qualified more than 3x in WT Class Open

  • she participated more than 5x as a steward or writing down the results with different judges

  • co-organized more than 3x a WT

  • staged 2x with FCI judges for WT and received positive opinions from Stef Bollen and Dr. Csaba Szantay (2018)


Prof. dr. Hojka Kraigher has fulfilled all qualifications for an apprentice - judge by the Rules for WT of the LKDP :

  • she is a conformation - show judge KZS - FCI

  • he participated more than 5x as a steward with different judges

  • he has more than 3x co-organized the WTs

  • as an apprentice-judge, he started co-judging with Dr. Csaba Szantay according to the Rules of the Hunting Cynological Club for Retrievers


Bojan Čepirlo partially fulfils the requirements to start staging as an apprentice - judge by the Rules of LKDP:

  • he has qualified more than 3x in WT and in DT in Class Open

Dodatne informacije / Additional information


Prehrana / Food

Prehrana - dostava po naročilu / food can be delivered upon order

  • avtodomi - na lokaciji KROFLA / camper-vans on the location KROFLA

  • Hostel BIKE & Ski, Mežica,

  • Hotel Kavalir Črna, Center 109, 2393 Črna na Koroškem, Slovenija (

  • Apartma Natur pur Pikovo, 2393 Črna na Koroškem, link

Prenočišča / Lodging

Veterinarska postaja / Vet station: Celjska cesta 126, 2380 Slovenj Gradec, (02) 881 23 00

Prva medicinska pomoč / First aid: Ob Suhi 11, 2390 Ravne na Koroškem, (02) 870 52 00

Informacije / Information: Vasja Mrdavšič, KROFLA,, +386 (0)41 271 297

Preostale informacije / Additional information

Pravila obnašanja / Rules of behaviour

Za psi pobirajte iztrebke. Psi morajo biti na povodcu, razen ob delu na sodnikovo povelje. Pred, med in po testu / tekmi se psi ne smejo zadrževati niti prehajati preko delovišč. Za škodo, povzročeno s strani vodnika ali psa, je odgovoren lastnik.

Dogs' excrements are to be picked up by owners / handlers at all time and location. Dogs to be on a leash, not allowed to cross the testing area at any time. For all damage occurred by / to the dog or dog owner / handler the dog owner  / handler is responsible.

Sponzorji / Sponsors

Canis barvni.jpg

Rezultati / Results

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